Heat Pump Water Heaters
The following resources related to heat pump water heaters (HPWH) are available for building department use.
HPWH Technical Assistance Sheet
This sheet summarizes code requirements for HPWH, as well as what to look for on the compliance form and permit application and what to check for in the field at time of inspection.
Heat Pump Water Heaters Technical Assistance Sheet: Download the sheet.
HPWH Assistance Sheet for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)
This sheet provides information about HPWH and installation requirements, focusing on challenges and tips for installing HPWH in ADUs.
Heat Pump Water Heaters for Accessory Dwelling Units: Download the sheet.
HPWH Permitting Pilot Resources
BayREN has partnered with the TECH Initiative to make three resources available to improve the permitting process for HPWH:
- Building Code Assistance Sheet - Summarizes code requirements and answers common code questions.
- Permit Supplement Template - Provides a template form building departments can use to successfully permit a HPWH.
- Electrical Load Estimator - Assists with calculating the impact of a HPWH on a home's electrical load using two different approaches.
These resources are beta versions that are currently being tested and refined, so please check back for updates and let us know if you have any comments or suggestions for improvement. You can download the resources through the box below.
HPWH Permitting Pilot Resources
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